辱骂某人verbally abused somebody
区域法院下令以「A女士」称呼她identified as Ms A in the district court
第一诉讼法院the Court of First Instance
途污了的国旗defaced flags
审判前的舆论令某人得不到公平的审讯pre-trial publicity denied somebody a fair trial
广东省高级人民法院Guangdong Higher People's Court
(前)工业贸易署署长罗智光Director-General of Trade and Industry Mr Joshua Law Chi-Kong
(前)保安局局长叶刘淑仪Secretary for Security Mrs Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee
(前)律政司司长梁爱诗Secretary for Justice Ms Elsie Leung Oi-sie
(前)政务司司长曾荫权Chief Secretary for Administration Mr Donald Tsang Yam-kuen
(前)旅游事务专员卢维思Tourism Commissioner Mike Rowse
(前)财政司司长梁锦松Financial Secretary Mr Antony Leung Kam-chung
(前)卫生福利及食物局局长杨永强Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food Dr Yeoh Eng-kiong
入境事务处Immigration Department
入境事务处处长黎栋国Director of Immigration Mr Lai Tung-kwok
入境处助理处长白韫六Simon Peh Yun-lu, Immigration Department assistant director
土木工程署Civil Engineering Department
土木工程署署长刘正光博士Director of Civil Engineering Dr Lau Ching-kwong
土地注册处Land Registry
土地注册处处长苏启龙Land Registrar Mr Kim Anthony Salkeld
工商及科技局Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau
工商及科技局局长唐英年Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology Mr Henry Tang Ying-yen
工商及科技局局长曾俊华John Tsang Chun-wah, Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology
工商及科技局常任秘书长(工商)俞宗怡Permanent Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology (Commerce and Industry) Miss Denise Yue Chung-yee
工商及科技局常任秘书长(信息科技及广播)何宣威Permanent Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology (Information Technology and Broadcasting) Mr Francis Ho Suen-wai
工业贸易署Trade and Industry Department
中央政策组Central Policy Unit
中央政策组首席顾问刘兆佳Head of Central Policy Unit Lau Siu-kai
公司注册处Companies Registry
公司注册处处长钟悟思Registrar of Companies Mr Gordon Jones
公民教育委员会Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education
公务员事务局Civil Service Bureau
公务员事务局局长王永平Secretary for the Civil Service Mr Joseph Wong Wing-ping
公务员事务局常任秘书长王倩仪Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service Ms Anissa Wong Sean Yee
公务员培训处Civil Service Training and Development Institute
公务员培训处处长吴永祥Director of Civil Service Training and Development Mr William Ng Wing-cheung
公务员叙用委员会Public Service Commission
公务员薪俸及服务条件常务委员会Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service
文化委员会Culture and Heritage Commission
水务署Water Supplies Department
水务署署长高赞觉Director of Water Supplies Mr Ko Chan-gock
司法人员薪俸及服务条件常务委员会Standing Committee on Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service
市区重建局Urban Renewal Authority
平等机会委员会Equal Opportunities Commission
民政事务局Home Affairs Bureau
民政事务局局长何志平Secretary for Home Affairs Dr Patrick Ho Chi-ping
民政事务局常任秘书长李丽娟Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs Ms Shelley Lee Lai-kuen
民政事务总署Home Affairs Department
民政事务总署署长王荣珍Director of Home Affairs Miss Janet Wong
民航处Civil Aviation Department
民航处处长林光宇Director-General of Civil Aviation Mr Albert Lam Kwong-yu
民众安全服务处Civil Aid Service
民众安全服务处总参事陈明钜Chief Staff Officer Mr Robert Chan Ming-kui
申诉专员公署Ombudsman, Office of The
申诉专员戴婉莹Ombudsman Alice Tai Yuen-ying
交通投诉组Transport Complaints Unit
地政总署Lands Department
地政总署署长刘励超Director of Lands Mr Patrick Lau Lai-chiu
地产代理监管局Estate Agents Authority
行政长官办公室Chief Executive's Office
行政长官办公室主任林焕光Director of the Chief Executive's Office Lam Woon-kwong
行政署Administration Wing, Chief Secretary for Administration's Office
行政署长黄灏玄Director of Administration Mr Andrew Wong Ho-yuen
投诉警方独立监察委员会Independent Police Complaints Council
投资**署Invest Hong Kong
投资**署署长卢维思Director-General of Investment Promotion Mr Michael Rowse
投标投诉审裁组织Review Body on Bid Challenges
房屋及规划地政局Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau
房屋及规划地政局局长孙明扬Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands Mr Michael Suen Ming-yeung
房屋及规划地政局常任秘书长(房屋)梁展文Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Housing) Mr Leung Chin-man
房屋及规划地政局常任秘书长(规划及地政)曾俊华Permanent Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Planning and Lands) Mr John Tsang Chun-wah
房屋署Housing Department
拓展署Territory Development Department
拓展署署长黄鸿坚Director of Territory Development Mr Wong Hung-kin
法定语文事务署Official Languages Agency
法定语文专员钟小玲Commissioner for Official Languages Mrs Agnes Allcock
法律援助服务局Legal Aid Services Council
法律援助署Legal Aid Department
Director of Legal Aid Mr Chan Shu-ying
知识产权署Intellectual Property Department
知识产权署署长谢肃方Director of Intellectual Property Mr Stephen Selby
社会福利署Social Welfare Department
社会福利署署长林郑月娥Director of Social Welfare Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor
保安局Security Bureau
保安局局长李少光Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong, Secretary for Security
保安局常任秘书长汤显明Permanent Secretary for Security Mr Timothy Tong Hin- Ming
城市规划委员会Town Planning Board
屋宇署Buildings Department
屋宇署署长张孝威Director of Buildings Mr Cheung Hau-wai
建造业训练局Construction Industry Training Authority
建筑署Architectural Services Department
建筑署署长鲍绍雄Director of Architectural Services Mr Pau Shiu-hung
律政司Department of Justice
律政司司长黄仁龙Secretary for Justice Wong Yan-lung
政制事务局Constitutional Affairs Bureau
政制事务局局长林瑞麟Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Mr Stephen Lam Sui-lung
政制事务局常任秘书长麦清雄Permanent Secretary for Constitutional Affairs (Acting) Mr Clement Mak Ching- Hung
政制发展专责小组the Constitutional Development Task Force
政府化验所Government Laboratory
政府化验师郭大伟博士Government Chemist Dr David G Clarke
政府印务局Printing Department
政府印务局局长徐均平Government Printer Mr David Tsui Kwan-ping
政府车辆管理处Government Land Transport Agency
政府车辆管理处处长王亮嘉Administrator Mr Peter Walker
政府物料供应处Government Supplies Department
政府物料供应处处长孔郭惠清Director of Government Supplies Mrs Stella Hung Kwok Wai-ching
政府飞行服务队Government Flying Service
政府飞行服务队总监毕耀明Controller Capt Brian Butt Yiu-ming
政府产业署Government Property Agency
政府产业署署长关锡宁Government Property Administrator Ms Maria Kwan Sik-ning
政府统计处Census & Statistics Department
政府统计处处长何永Commissioner for Census & Statistics Mr Frederick Ho Wing-huen
政府新闻处Information Services Department
政府新闻处处长蔡莹璧Director of Information Services Ms Yvonne Choi Ying-pik
政务司司长许仕仁Chief Secretary for Administration Mr Rafael Hui
政务司司长办公室Chief Secretary for Administration's Office
纪律人员薪俸及服务条件常务委员会Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service
食物环境卫生署Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
食物环境卫生署署长梁永立Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene Mr Gregory Leung Wing-lup
食物环境卫生署署长刘吴惠兰Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene Rita Lau Ng Wai-lan
首长级薪俸及服务条件常务委员会Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service
香港中医药管理委员会Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong
香港天文台Hong Kong Observatory
香港天文台台长林鸿鋆博士Director of Hong Kong Observatory Dr Lam Hung-kwan
香港出口信用保险局Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation
香港生产力促进局Hong Kong Productivity Council
香港交易及结算所有限公司Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd.
香港考试及评核局Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
香港吸烟与健康委员会Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health
香港法律改革委员会Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong
香港金融管理局Hong Kong Monetary Authority
香港科技园公司Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
香港旅游发展局Hong Kong Tourism Board
香港海关Customs and Excise Department
香港特别行政区政府驻北京办事处The Office of the Government of the HKSAR in Beijing
香港特别行政区政府驻北京办事处主任梁宝荣Director Mr Bowen Leung Po-Wing
香港康体发展局Hong Kong Sports Development Board
香港港口及航运局Hong Kong Port and Maritime Board
香港贸易发展局Hong Kong Trade Development Council
香港邮政Hongkong Post
香港邮政署长蒋任宏Postmaster General Allan Chiang
香港辅助警察队Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force
香港学术评审局Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation
香港机场管理局Airport Authority, Hong Kong
香港艺术中心Hong Kong Arts Centre
香港艺术发展局Hong Kong Arts Development Council
个人资料私隐专员公署Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Office of the
差饷物业估价署Rating and Valuation Department
差饷物业估价署副署长老兴忠deputy commissioner of the Rating and Valuation Department Lo Hing-chung
差饷物业估价署署长彭赞荣Commissioner of Rating and Valuation Mr Kenneth Pang Tsan-wing,
库务署Treasury (gov't)
库务署署长沈文焘Director of Accounting Services Mr Shum Man-to
旅游事务专员黎高颖怡Commissioner for Tourism Ms Rebecca Lai Ko Wing-yee
旅游事务署Tourism Commission
消防处Fire Services Department
消防处处长许竞平Director of Fire Services Mr Hsu King-ping
消费者委员会Consumer Council
海事处Marine Department
海事处处长崔崇尧Director of Marine Mr Tsui Shung-yiu
海关关长黄鸿超Commissioner of Customs and Excise Mr Raymond Wong Hung-chiu
破产管理署Official Receiver's Office
破产管理署署长区敬乐Official Receiver Mr E T O'Connell
财政司司长唐英年Henry Tang Ying-yen, Financial Secretary
财政司司长办公室Financial Secretary's Office
财经事务及库务局Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
财经事务及库务局局长马时亨Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Mr Frederick Ma Si-hang
财经事务及库务局常任秘书长(库务)黎年Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Treasury) Mr Alan Lai Nin
财经事务及库务局常任秘书长(财经事务)苗学礼Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Financial Services) Mr John Anthony Miller
妇女事务委员会Women's Commission
康乐及文化事务署Leisure and Cultural Services Department
康乐及文化事务署署长梁世华Director of Leisure and Cultural Services Paul Leung Sai-wah
强积金管理局Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority
教育统筹局Education and Manpower Bureau
教育统筹局局长李国章Secretary for Education and Manpower Professor Arthur Li Kwok-cheung
教育统筹局常任秘书长罗范椒芬Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower Mrs Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun
教育署Education Department
教育署署长李庆辉Director of Education Mr. LEE Hing Fai
规划署Planning Department
规划署署长冯志强Director of Planning Mr Fung Chee-keung
创新科技署Innovation and Technology Commission
创新科技署署长郭谭佩仪Commissioner for Innovation and Technology Mrs Kwok Tam Pui-Yi, Sarah
劳工处Labour Department
劳工处处长陈甘美华Commissioner for Labour Mrs Pamela Tan Kam Mi-wah
渠务署Drainage Services Department
渠务署署长张达 Director of Drainage Services Mr Raymond Cheung Tat-kwing
减少废物委员会Waste Reduction Committee
税务局Inland Revenue Department
税务局局长刘麦懿明Commissioner of Inland Revenue Mrs Lau Mak Yee-ming
策略发展委员会the Commission on Strategic Development
廉政公署Independent Commission Against Corruption
廉政专员李少光Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption Mr Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong
廉政专员黄鸿超Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption Raymond Wong Hung-chiu
爱滋病信托基金委员会Council for the AIDS Trust Fund
禁毒专员卢古嘉利Commissioner for Narcotics Ms Clarie Lo Ku Ka-lee
禁毒处Narcotics Division, Security Bureau
经济发展及劳工局Economic Development and Labour Bureau
经济发展及劳工局局长叶澍Secretary for Economic Development and Labour Mr Stephen Ip Shu-kwan
经济发展及劳工局常任秘书长(劳工)张建宗Permanent Secretary for Economic Development and Labour (Labour) Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung
经济发展及劳工局常任秘书长(经济发展)李淑仪Permanent Secretary for Economic Development and Labour (Economic Development) Ms Sandra Lee Suk-yee
信息科技署Information Technology Services Department
信息科技署署长黄志光Director of Information Technology Services Mr Alan Wong Chi-kong
路政署Highways Department
路政署署长卢耀桢Director of Highways Mr Lo Yiu-ching
运输署Transport Department
运输署署长霍文Commissioner for Transport Mr Robert Footman
电讯管理局Office of the Telecommunications Authority
电讯管理局总监王锡基Director-General of Telecommunications Mr Anthony Wong Sik-kei
雇员再培训局Employees Retraining Board